The term »baroque« originates from the Portuguese word »barocca« which can be translated with »irregular pearl«. The age of Baroque is the time in Europe from the 17th to the early 18th century. The heavily decorated, dynamic Baroque architecture served, above all, for the representation, a mirror the unlimited power of the secular or clerical lords.
During the late stage of the Baroque (around 1720 – 1780) which is also called Rococo the absolute claim to power of the sovereign faded into the background and the private gained importance. In the architecture this change became visible as the baroque heaviness was superseded by more comfortable rooms and a bright, playful and elegant atmosphere. Especially characteristic for the Rococo is a shell-shaped ornament called »Rocaille«, which also named the era.
Until today it is vague when and why the naming occurred. As recently as 200 years ago historians believed, that the name referred to the location of the palace at the corner of the »Rudolstädter Heide« (Heath of Rudolstadt). Today one assumes that the name is an artificial word, a linguistic counterpart and allusion to the castle »Neideck« of Arnstadt that belonged to Count Guenther XLI and that does not exist anymore.
The first written evidence of the term »Heidecksburg« originates from a printed document from 1665 that invites to a festive court play at the »Residentz Heydeck zu Rudolstadt«.
Gern möchten wir Sie an dieser Stelle auf einige kleine Videos hinweisen, die 2023 in und um das Schloss entstanden sind. Umgesetzt wurde der Dreh durch Daniela Bensch aus Leipzig auf ihrem YouTube-Channel "Schlösser & Burgen", die Ihnen hier ganz viele spannende Details erzählt! Wir danken für die tolle Zusammenarbeit!
Because of the lack of a German anthem the march »Hoch Heidecksburg« was played on official occasions during the years after 1945. Until today, the dashing march with its catchy melody belongs to one of the most often played non-military marches. The knowledge that the composition was dedicated to Heidecksburg Palace in Rudolstadt has been lost. This development is only understandable since the original score does not depict Heidecksburg Palace but instead a fantasy palace in the style of Neuschwanstein Castle. The composer of the march, Rudolf Herzer lived in Rudolstadt. In 1913, he assigned all rights to a publishing house in Berlin. During the course of his short life he never saw a performance by a big orchestra, not to mention that he never received any royalties.